Over the past week  Shrewsbury Town players have been part of a number of Christmas visits to various places throughout our community to learn about the important work they do and show their support.

Players from the first team visited Shrewsbury Hospital, Hope House, and the Shrewsbury Ark to meet people from the community and gain an insight into the work that goes on in each and how they help those in need of their services.

The players delivered food prepared by the club to the Shrewsbury Ark, which will be distributed among the clients who visit over the coming days. They then spoke to Tim, who runs the Ark, to find out some more about the kinds of people the Ark help and how they carry out their work. Along with this, they presented the Ark with a cheque for the £3,100 which was raised through out Sleepout Event held earlier in the year.

At Hope House they were treated to a pantomime performance from patients and staff and at Shrewsbury Hospital spoke to patients in the Lingen Davies cancer ward, handing out gifts to some along the way.

It is hoped that these visits will raise awareness of the work that these fantastic organisations are doing all year round to help those who need it most.

See a gallery of images from the visits below –


Shrewsbury Town in The Community arrange player visits throughout the county all year round.  If you know of someone or an organisation that would benefit from a player visit please contact admin@shrewsburytowninthecommunity.com

Find out more about Shrewsbury Ark – http://www.shrewsburyark.co.uk/

Find out more about Lingen Davies and our Kick Cancer project  – https://www.lingendavies.co.uk/  – https://www.shrewsburytowninthecommunity.com/activities/kick-cancer/

Find out more about Hope House – https://www.hopehouse.org.uk/home.html

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