As part of our efforts to support the local community in these unprecedented times, today Shrewsbury Town are launching Shrews @ Home!

Shrews @ Home will be an online resource centre for parents, students and anyone stuck at home looking for something to do during these times of social distancing!

So far planned activities will cover daily Maths & Literacy brain teasers, Fitness sessions, Modern Foreign Languages lessons, Dance routines, Gardening skills, Social Action and of course Football Skills!

It is completely free to gain access to these resources – simply enter your email and you will receive an email each time the activities are updated.

We hope for this to be part of the national effort to keep spirits and engagement up across the country as well as providing support to schools with activities for pupils to complete, keeping minds sharp and bodies active!

Children will also be able to download a weekly journal to keep track of their activity across the week. This can be completed and sent in to us via with prizes being on offer for the most complete journal with evidence of all completed tasks!

Don’t forget to share your pictures and videos of you and your family completing our challenges! Make sure to tag our social media channels and we’ll share the best ones!

Facebook – @shrewsburytowninthecommunity / @ShrewsburyTown

Twitter – @STFC_ITC / @shrewsweb

Instagram – @stfc_itc / @shrewsburytown


Sign up to join Shrews @ Home! 

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