
Our Safeguarding Policies

Learn more about the policies in place to ensure that the Foundation is a safe and inclusive organisation for it's staff and participants.

Shrewsbury Town Foundation places the safeguarding of children, young people and adults at risk as its prime focus and has developed full safeguarding policies and procedures.

To find out more about our safeguarding procedures, please click here

Our safeguarding approach

Shrewsbury Town FC Foundation is committed to Safeguarding. It is our responsibility, with you, to ensure everyone in our care or attending our activities is in a safe environment – free from risk and harm.

We are a learning organisation, always looking to improve our standards. We have policies in place to support and guide us, our children, young people and vulnerable adults. We are committed to having the right people involved, we practice safer recruitment, including checks, training and monitoring.

The Charity complies with Government legislation relating to Safeguarding Children, and adults at risk. We adhere to both FA regulations and regulatory requirements of the EFL. We have formed links with our partners at Shropshire Local Authority.

We have a comprehensive Safeguarding Policy, supported by our Board, Management and Staff. We have a listening culture, embedding good practice whilst constantly striving to improve our service. We have a robust system in place where we respond to all reported Safeguarding concerns, these are recorded, investigated and reviewed.

Our Safeguarding Board

John Rhodes

Head of Safeguarding, Shrewsbury Town FC

Shin Aujla

Foundation Director, Shrewsbury Town Foundation

Calvin Lord-Latham

Education Manager, Shrewsbury Town Foundation

Jonny Hughes

Post 16 Degree Female Lead & ETC Manager

Do you have a safeguarding concern?

Contact Us
