Shrewsbury Town in the Community are delighted to have extended our partnership with Salop Leisure for another year as a Friend of the Community.

Three years ago Salop Leisure, the award-winning caravan and motorhome dealership based at Emstrey, Shrewsbury, was the first to sign-up as a Friends of the Community partner, which sees the company pledge £1,000 a year to support the work of Shrewsbury Town in the Community.

This partnership will continue  for the 2019/2020 season to help Shrewsbury Town in the Community raise the £1 million a year to enable us to deliver 39 different programmes throughout Shropshire supporting people of all ages in the community.

Programmes that this will benefit include our Soccer Schools, Walking Football sessions, and our Extra-Time Hubs, helping to keep everyone in Shropshire, no matter their age, active.

Alongside these are our cancer rehabilitation service in partnership with Lingen Davies Centre at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, BTEC and foundation degree courses, a National Citizens Service, a mental health support service, Heads Up, and Meadow Memories, a reminiscence therapy session for elderly dementia patients.

With our new Friends of the Community this season, we currently have twenty corporate partners and Ceri Nicholls, partnerships and events manager, is keen to increase this number.

“The money that we receive from businesses, like Salop Leisure, helps us to build our impact in the community,” she said. “These gifted donations go into an unrestricted fund which enables the charity to grow in the way that we want across Shropshire.”

“Without businesses jumping on board and helping us, we wouldn’t be able to do the wide range of work that we do. Salop Leisure was the first business to sign up as friend three years ago and the company supports us in so many other ways.”

Salop Leisure’s chairman Tony Bywater said: “We are delighted to be a corporate partner of Shrewsbury Town in the Community which does such important work in the local community and across Shropshire.

“It would be great to see other businesses in Shrewsbury and across the county pledge their support for this dynamic charity,”  he added.

Shrewsbury Town in the Community’s next fundraising event is the Step-Up Challenge on September 28 when the charity plans to climb up and down every one of the 1,570 steps in the Montgomery Waters Meadow Stadium. Anyone from the age of six years upwards can support the event but they must pay £10 to register and raise a minimum of £20 in sponsorship.

If you would like to help support our projects, you can join the Friends of the Community! Email for more info.

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